3 Ways Mason Jars Can Help You Eat Healthier

One of the most helpful things you can do if you want to eat healthier is to (a) plan ahead and (b) maximize the benefits of your efforts. 

Planning ahead = fewer last-minute, less nourishing (and usually less satisfying) food choices. Plus, if you’re going to go to the trouble of preparing one meal…why not get 2-3 or more out of it?

Here’s 3 ways I recommend using mason jars to help you have healthful choices at your fingertips anytime you need them:

1.     Breakfast: I like to make overnight oats in individual mason jars (1 part rolled oats, 2 parts milk of your choice plus a dash of salt, some cinnamon, and a bit of ground flax or chia seeds). Grab ‘em on your way out the door and eat them cold or warm them up with a swirl of peanut butter and some berries.

2.     Lunch/Dinner: Whenever I make a pot of soup or chili for dinner, I ladle the extras into mason jars and pop them in the freezer. These make a super portable, easy-to-reheat lunch or dinner anytime you need one.

3.     Lunch/Dinner: Mason jar salads are tasty and hold up well for 3-4 days. Put the dressing on the bottom (vinaigrettes work best since creamier dressings stick to the bottom of the jar), layer in the crunchier veggies that can stand up to some marinating in the dressing…then add any grains or beans…next add protein (chicken, tuna, hard boiled eggs, etc.)…then layer more delicate veggies (such as tomatoes)…now add the lettuce…top with cheese if desired…finish it off with nuts, seeds, or dried fruit (if you want the nuts or seeds to stay crunchy you can keep them in a separate baggie). When you’re ready to eat it, give it all a good shake, pour it on a plate, and enjoy!

The wide-mouth, quart size jars work best for salads. Smaller jars are better suited for overnight oats and soups.

 It really is that easy! Enjoy!


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