A Nutrition Reset Plan That Actually Works

This is one of the most important pieces of advice I can give you to help you reach your nutrition goals:

There is no failure when it comes to nourishing your body—only FEEDBACK.

You simply can’t fail with your healthy eating goals when you adopt this outlook. One bad meal, day, week, or more does not dictate your entire nutrition journey. You cannot give up because you think you “messed up” using this approach.

The true measure of success—along with genuine transformation and lasting results—comes from the ability to get CURIOUS NOT CRITICAL.

 The #1 most helpful thing you can do when you feel like you’ve gotten off track, overeaten, made poor food selections, skipped too many workouts, or whatever else your perceived “misstep” may be …is to ditch the crappy self-talk and defeatist thinking in favor of adopting a growth (instead of a fixed) mindset.

This means you need to learn how to ask the right questions… how to listen for the most helpful feedback… and know how to use the information you gather to inform your future food choices.

 I’ve just put together a cool tool to help you do exactly that. It’s my Reset and Recovery Worksheet, and you can download it here free now! 

 Use this tool to uncover super helpful feedback that can inform your future food, movement, or other wellness choices …and go crush your goals!

 You’ve got this!


A Key Factor In Shaping Our Eating Habits That Often Gets Ignored


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