Is wellness culture steering us wrong? Why the wellness industry isn’t making us healthier, and what you should do instead!

What do you think of when you hear the word “wellness”?

Do you immediately picture Instagram influencers, eliteness, or striving to be in PERFECT health using precise and regimented health plans?

There's this sort of underlying theme and obsession with pursuing health or having the “perfect” health everywhere you look these days. 

As if it's within our control if we could just eat the top superfoods of the moment, stick to a popular calorie-counting diet plan, or exercise and meditate enough.

We have set out to change this narrative, and promote genuine health and self-care!

Welcome to episode 6 of the Wellness: Rebranded podcast! In this episode, we are discussing the impossible standards of the wellness industry, and the motivations behind their messaging. 

Also, we chat about why we're all so passionate about presenting a different version of health and wellness that actually enhances your health.

We are encouraging you to drop the idea that there's this magic solution out there that's going to make your health better if you do everything “right”.

Remember it's more about the day-to-day, and we’re here to help guide you each step of the way!

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Elizabeth, Maura, & Tara

Let’s connect and keep the conversation going!

Tara De Leon, Master Personal Trainer

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @tara_de_leon_fitness

Maura Tunney, LCSW-C

Elizabeth Harris, , MS, RDN, LDN

FB: Health and Healing with Intuitive Eating community (Link:

Instagram: Elizabeth Harris @elizabeth_harris_rd 

Freebie: 5-day mini course, How to Break Up With Dieting For Good: /how-to-break-up-with-dieting-for-good


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