3 Ways to Eat More Oats, Plus Why You Might Want To

Oats are rich in soluble fiber, which among other things, is great for heart health. The soluble fiber binds to cholesterol and bile acids in your intestines so that, instead of entering your blood stream, they will be excreted from your body which helps lower LDL (the unhelpful) cholesterol. 

Hooray for healthy hearts! 

Oats and other fibers also support and promote the proliferation of beneficial bacteria strains in your gut. Early research in mice suggests that gut health may play a role in heart health; we also know that gut health is important for our overall immune function, moods, brain function, and so much more. Plus… fiber keeps things moving in your digestive tract, which is key for regular bowel movements, colon and proper digestive function.

That’s an all-around win for health and wellbeing!

But that doesn’t mean you have to eat bland and boring instant oatmeal packets. For an easy and gentle nutrition boost, I recommend choosing old-fashioned regular rolled oats whenever possible, and then making them fun and tasty!

Here are 3 delicious ways to eat and enjoy your oats!

  • Overnight oats. I make mine by mixing half a cup of oats with 1 cup of toasted coconut almond milk (but any milk you choose will work great). Let it sit in the fridge overnight. In the morning, I heat it in the microwave to warm it up and then top it with berries or pomegranate, some chopped almonds or walnuts, a swirl of cinnamon, and sometimes—if I’m feeling really fancy—a dash of cacao nibs. YUM!

  • Add them to smoothies. Not only is this a great way to add heart-healthy soluble fiber, but it will add bulk to your smoothie that will help keep you full. Here’s a link to a blueberry cashew butter smoothie and a peachy oats breakfast smoothie that I love. Both are delicious and are hearty enough to keep you comfortably full for a few hours.

  • Granola! You can find good pre-made granola but it’s kind of fun to make your own (and usually a whole lot tastier). Here’s a link to a recipe I like from Cookie and Kate. She suggests using coconut oil in the recipe, but if you’re looking for a heart healthier option, I’d go ahead and use a good quality olive oil (that’s what I typically do).

And don’t forget… you can also add oats to cookies, protein balls, banana, pumpkin or zucchini bread, and other things you may be baking.

Enjoy your oats!

Oh, and by the way. Adding oats and fiber to your diet to support your heart health is a perfect example of my approach to nutrition. I firmly believe that all foods fit in a healthful diet and I'm all about focusing on foods and behaviors you can ADD (instead of what to restrict or eliminate). It's way more fun and SUSTAINABLE too.


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