Getting tired of fad fitness trends and related pressure from social media? Here are three fitness trends to avoid PLUS one we love for 2023!

What exercise trends are you following now? Is it from the social media video you saw the other day?

Unfortunately, diet culture isn’t just for food. There’s loads of pressure around fitness trends too.

We’re surrounded by Instagram models and TikTok influencers touting certain diets and exercises that aren’t necessarily helpful or healthful.

And sometimes we’re so exposed to these trends, that it can be difficult to sort out the diet culture hype from science-backed recommendations.

Welcome to episode 22 of Wellness: Rebranded! Today, we’ll be talking about 3 fitness trends to leave behind in 2023. Plus, one that we really love… 

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Maura, Tara, and Elizabeth

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