How to make your home a diet culture free safe zone: Healing your mindset and relationship with food, exercise, and body!

You don’t have to be a dieter to be negatively impacted by diet culture.

We’re all surrounded by its toxic messages every single day. Whether you’re focused on enhancing your own wellbeing or that of your children (or both!)… there are many steps you can take to safeguard your home and loved ones from harmful diet culture messages.

In this episode of the Wellness: Rebranded podcast, we dive into the topic of cultivating a safe and supportive home environment that promotes healthy relationships with food, exercise, and our bodies. Think of diet culture as a storm that threatens to uproot us. We may not be able to change the weather… but with the right gear, we can protect ourselves from the storm, survive the squalls, and THRIVE.

We'll explore ways to foster body wisdom in ourselves and our children, promote intuitive eating, and prioritize overall health and wellness. 

Join us as we dive into this important conversation and learn how to make your home a weight-neutral safe zone.

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Elizabeth, Maura, & Tara

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