Weight stigma in healthcare: How to manage weight-based assumptions in medicine

Are you tired of feeling judged and dismissed by healthcare professionals because of your weight?

Sadly, the harmful effects of weight stigma in the medical system can lead to misdiagnosis, mistreatment, and ultimately, poorer health outcomes.

But there is a solution. 

Welcome to episode 26 of Wellness: Rebranded. In this episode, we tackle the harmful effects of weight stigma in the medical system and its damaging impact on health outcomes. 

We also discuss the importance of advocating for ourselves in medical settings and finding weight-neutral healthcare providers who focus on behaviors and overall well-being rather than just weight. 

Join us for an eye-opening conversation about the effects of weight stigma in healthcare, the benefits of a weight-neutral approach to health, and how to advocate for care that is free of weight bias and shame. 

Let’s rebrand wellness together!

Elizabeth, Maura, & Tara

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